Week 8: Nanotech + Art

Nanotechnology introduces a whole new area into our lives that goes beyond what we already know about and within the sciences. It shifts the paradigm further into the 21st century with new technological endeavors.

Nanotechnology has had an influence in the sciences and art. There is a device called Scanning Tunneling Microscope. The tip of the STM is rastered across the surface of atoms. The rastering process is then converted into a very simple image. STM enabled people to see positioning of atoms. STM was also able to bring two atoms very close together and could create a partial chemicals bond together and then drag it across a surface to create an image. A graduate student created the image of UCLA in carbon monoxide molecules using the STM process bonding atoms together. In this case it was a scientific advancement that produced art out of it.

Courtesy of:

Nanotechnology has developed and is now used in medicine. Nanomedicine has the greatest potential for improving human life. With this technology, new forms of therapy and treatment are made possible. For example using nanotechnology in pills can help reduce the toxicity of treatment in cancer patients. In 2005 an anti-breast cancer drug was a breakthrough when the particles were made on a Nano scale coating them in ablbium in order to make the drug soluble, which reduces the toxicity. The breakthrough in Nano dots might also be able to target diseases within the body because they are small enough to enter cells.

Courtesy of: : http://www.sfnano.fr/european-nanomedicine-meeting-2015-topics/ 

Courtesy of:

Nanotechnology has provided developments through art and most importantly in my opinion in medicine. The use of nanotechnology in medicine is a revolutionary breakthrough that can help us in the present and in the future with its potential benefits. Nanotechnology has proven to have positive effects on society in the 21st century and we should continue to invest in it.

 N.p., n.d. Web.

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2017.

Uconlineprogram. "Nanotech Jim pt2." YouTube. YouTube, 21 May 2012. Web. 28 May 2017.

Uconlineprogram. "Nanotech Jim pt4." YouTube. YouTube, 21 May 2012. Web. 28 May 2017.

Vesna. V. (n.d.). Nanotech Intro. Lecture. 


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